Friday 27 July 2012

Olympic Fever or a Quiet Weekend?

Coming up to this weekend, I've had a difficult decision to make... Olympic Fever or a Quiet Weekend?

We are entrapped (well at least the car is) for the weekend, as Olympic Fever grips Dorking. We're playing host for part of the London 2012 Road Races (men tomorrow and Women on Sunday). The road races include the notorious "zig-zag" road, that snakes up Box Hill, with the men doing 9 circuits of the Box Hill Loop and the women doing two circuits. Both races start and finish on the Mall and are accompanied, for their duration, by overhead (helicopters) and vehicle based security and television crews.

Entering into the spirit of the occasion, we've decided to invite down Jordan (Grand-Son) and to go out to a spot where we can see the Olympic cyclists go past 9 times (twice for the women). The whole area is swarming with visitors, arriving for the event, and there are two noticeable landmarks that have appeared.

The (temporary) Olympic Rings on Box Hill
The Olympic rings are visible for miles around and provide a clear signpost to Box Hill. They look spectacular, when viewed across the rooftops from Dorking (see below)...

Olympic Rings on Box Hill - viewed from Dorking

Fortunately, the other landmark will be permanent - being a sculpture set in the middle of the Pixham Lane roundabout on the A24. This was part funded by our local Mole Valley District Council, with the balance provided by local sponsors.

 "2012 Cycle Race Sculpture" by Heather Burrell 

Well, I hope that you'll understand that I'm going "with the flow" this weekend, so I'll be out there cheering on our lads and lasses, as they go for gold. Come on Cav, Bash on Brad, get nippy Nicole and don't linger Lizzie!

Come on Team GB!


  1. Keep those wheels turning Mick.
    ben Tyler

  2. Took some video of the London 2012 Olympic Cycling Road Races - uploaded to YouTube, for you all to see.

    Regards, Mick.


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